With Urban Homesteaders on the rise, the breed to choose has to be economical, take to smaller if not confined spaces, not too flighty and be relatively quiet.
We have put together our top ten breeds of chickens that take to smaller spaces and are not as noisy as other chicken breeds.
10 of the Quieter Chicken Breeds to own for the Urban Homesteader
The Orpington is bar far one of the quietest breeds of chickens that I would recommend for the Urban Homesteader. They are not too flighty and nervous either plus they do tend to get quite attached to their humans. They are also a great layer of eggs and do make a good meat bird. They are also good to have around supervised children.Read More
Another great bird for the backyard that does not make too much noise, not too flighty and is good around supervised children. Wyandotte makes great pets; do not mind being confined and will lay a decent amount of eggs for the table.Read More
These big fluffy teddy bear chickens are such a peaceful, calm and friendly breed. Cochins handle being confined well and although they do not lay a great amount eggs a week will give you a few good large brown eggs for the table. They make excellent pets and are easy to handle. Read More
These beautiful rare chickens with their fluffy beards and cheeky little faces are a pure delight. The Ameraucana is a great show bird, it is intelligent, spritely and really fun to have around. Plus, they lay a fair number pretty medium to large sized Light Blue eggs. They are quite hard to come by and a person must always check that they are actually getting the Ameraucana as they Easter Egger is sometimes mis-labelled as an Ameraucana.Read More
These gentle, calm and lovable giants make such a good all-around chicken breed. They are great table birds, lay a good number of medium to large brown eggs and make such great pets. Brahmas are quiet and gentle birds that like to keep close to their coops.Read More
The Sussex has been a domesticated chicken for generations. Their quiet gently natures making them the perfect backyard chicken. They are friendly, easy to handle, take to confinement well and are not very flighty. They are even great around supervised children and will give you lots of large light brown eggs for the table. They also make a great meat bird. They are definitely a breed for the Urban backyard flock.Read More
Rhode Island Red
The Rhode Island Red is the official Rhode Island state bird. They were once really sought after for their exceptionally good quality of meat and the production of extra-large brown eggs. These beautiful chickens are also very friendly, calm and adapt to confinement well. They are also very good in most climates being able to tolerate both the heat and cold without any trouble.Read More
The Java is a breed that is critically endangered and could use some more breeders. It is a great dual-purpose breed that is known for its high quality of meat and a really good layer of Large brown eggs. They also have a great nature as they are docile, calm, friendly and really easy to handle. This is a breed that is worth having in your urban flock.Read More
Plymouth Rock
The Barred Plymouth Rock is one of my favorite heritage breeds of chicken. They are smart and although they can be quite active they will also take to confinement well. They are very friendly and make an excellent dual-purpose breed. Giving a lot of large brown eggs every week and they also make great meat birds. This is a breed recommended for any flock. Read More
These beautiful fluffy little chickens are a pure delight for any flock. Silkies do not like to make a fuss unless there is impending danger and they are the friendliest of little chickens. They make excellent pets and are good to have around supervised children. If you need a brood hen and foster mom, you can find no better than a Silkie hen. Read More